Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Ultimate Terms:

There are a variety of different passes used in Ultimate, but the two commonly seen are "backhand" and "forehand." These are the two most basic throws and are the first any aspiring player should learn.

A "huck" is Ultimate's version of a deep pass in football.

A "Callahan point" occurs when the opposing has its pass intercepted by the defense in the end zone. Resulting in a point for the defense. If you score a callahan point please share it in comments.

"Handlers" are the quarterbacks of Ultimate, and run the offense for their team.

In a "vert" or vertical stack, the offense has three handlers and four receivers who are lined up vertically down the field splitting it in half.

A "Horizontal Stack" has the receivers lined up across the field facing the three handlers.

A "dump pass" can be helpful when there are no options down field, and when the stall count is high.

A "hammer" is one of the more challenging tosses to throw and catch, and is just a forehand throw from over the throwers head. It can be great for some added distance.

"Layouts" or dives are the highlight reel moments for Ultimate, and can be a boost on offense or save a game for the defense.

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