Wednesday, April 3, 2013

A new disc, and putting advice.

Start of a hole at Camden 1

My second week on the disc golf course went a little smoother, and most of that can be attributed the new driver I purchased for today's round. The Roadrunner disc gave me more distance and better stability than the Viper had in a long time.

Roadrunner is a lighter disc and the difference was apparent almost immediately. It felt smoother coming out of my hand as I had better control over where I wanted it to go. Other discs offered more distance, but the trade off is in accuracy as the lightest discs are hardest to control. So, for a beginner Roadrunner is a safe choice.

Overall for the day I believe I played much better compared to last week. It was a doubles random draw event, and luckily I was paired with a three-year pro who carried our group. In the event, we played the best throw so we played his tosses most of the time. I just tried to do my best.

He was happy to help, and I did what I could from short range and on putting. The short game can be my savior for now. I'm able to layup close to the hole, and my partner let me take most of the putts so I could get the practice. I wasn't off by much, but it still could be better.

To work on putting I was told just to aim straight for the chains above the basket, and not to aim for the basket. He said the chains are there to help catch the disc, so let them do the job.

For the day we did manage to win our five buck buy in back so that was a plus. It was a lot of fun too, and I recommend disc gold anyone looking for a good time or a new activity.

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